Martín Figallo
Invited talks & tutorials
On a cut-free sequent system for a logic associated to involutive Stone algebras. WORLD LOGIC DAY - CLE '22. Online Event. January 14th, 2022.
Teoría de prueba para la lógica tetravalente modal TML. Seminario de Lógica Algebraica organized by UNICEN. Online Event. November 20th, 2020.
Formalismo vs. Intuicionismo, Seminario de Matemática, Departamento de Matemática-- INMABB, April 2018.
La conexión entre el álgebra y la lógica, Seminario de Matemática, Departamento de Matemática-- INMABB, June of 2014.
An introduction to Algebraic Logic (tutorial). School of the 17th Brazilian Logic Conference, April 5-6, 2014 - Niteroi, Brazil.
Hypersequents and applications (tutorial). 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Rio de Janeiro, March 29 - April of 2013.
Teoría de la prueba: cálculos de secuentes. Seminario de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática de Bahía Blanca, October of 2013.
Investigações acerca da Lógica Tetravalente Modal de Monteiro. Seminarios do GLTA-CLE. Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência (CLE), June of 2011.
Some contributed talks
Proof-theoretical aspects of a logic associated to involutive Stone algebras 1st Meeting Brazil-Colombia in Logic, Bogotá (Colombia), December 14-17, 2021. Joint work with L. Cantú.
On a four-valued LFI born from algebra, Nat@Logic 2015 (Workshop on the 15 years of Logics of Formal Inconsistency), Natal, (Brazil) August 31th - September 4th, 2015. Joint work with M. Coniglio.
Twist-structure style semantics for n-valued logics, 17th Brazilian Logic Conference, Petrópolis, Brazil, April 7th-11th, 2014. Joint work with M. Fidel.
On the relationship between tetravalent modal algebras, symmetric Boolean algebras and modal algebras for S5, 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), March 29th to April 7th, 2013. Joint work with M. Coniglio.
Several Logical Aspects of Tetravalent Modal Algebras, Workshop Philosophy and Mathematics of Uncertainty and Vagueness. Campinas, (SP-Brasil), August 6th to 15th, 2012. Joint work with M. Coniglio.
Fibring of hypersequent calculi and the elimination of rules, XVI Encontro Brasileiro de Logica. Petr\'opolis, (RJ-Brasil), May 9th to 13th, 2011. Joint work with M. Coniglio.
Fibring of hypersequent calculi and preservation of full rule-elimination, Model-Based Reasoning, abduction, Logic, and Computational Discovery. Campinas, Brazil, December 17th - 19th, 2009. Joint work with M. Coniglio.
Subálgebras de un álgebra cilíndrica libre de elementos diagonales de dimensión dos, XIV Simposium Latinoamericano de Lógica Matemática. Paraty, Brazil, May 11th - 17th, 2008. Joint work with M. Gomez.
On the Theory of Dynamic Sets, XIII Simposium Latinoamericano de Lógica Matemática. Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico, August 6th - 12th, 2006. Joint work with M. Fidel.
Some results about diagonal--free--free two--dimensional cylindric algebras, Algebraic and Topological Methods in Non--classical Logics II, Barcelona, Spain, July of 2005.
Finite diagonal-free two--dimensional cylindric algebras, XIII Encontro Brasileiro de Logica, Campinas, Brazil, May of 2003.